Corsa per l'Europa
Tek za Evropo
GORIZIA/NOVA GORICA The roots of the EU, under the sign of reconciliation and anti-totalitarianism
What does Europe mean? For those born in the 2000s, a borderless Europe is a given; a borderless Europe means taking a plane from Trieste or Ljubljana and landing in Paris without controls, without currency exchange, without roaming, it means feeling far from home while staying at home. A Europe for young people means being able to attend schools in Italy or Slovenia, study in Germany, go to live in Scandinavia with the same passport, the same guarantees, counting on the same welfare.
It is difficult for those who see Europe without borders on the horizon to conceive the idea that it may not even be so, that the web woven over the previous decades may unravel. Instead, it can happen. It happened in the same Europe where in the aftermath of the massacre of World War I, it was believed that it would never happen again. Until the arrival of Nazifascism, World War II, the Cold War. And the Gorizia/Nova Gorica border holds precisely that dramatic memory. It can happen again tomorrow, it is happening again today to Ukraine. To us.
The Gorizia and Nova Gorica Corsa per l'Europa - Tek za Evropo is not only a sporting event, it is also a way to get together and an opportunity to show our attachment to the European project and its values.
UISP Goriza together with its Slovenian partner, Športne zveze from Nova Gorica, and in collaboration with the èStoria festival, on May 29, 2022 have realized the first edition: two routes for runners of 6 and 12 km, with the symbolic crossing of the former border between Italy and Slovenia. A border that is no longer there, but still has much to tell about why we Europeans decided to unite.
The Corsa is a non-competitive event open to all, designed to promote through the playful dimension of sport, the values of well-being and community, and also to manifest firsthand the desire to defend the European project and make the ideals of peace, democracy, respect for minorities and solidarity on which it is founded win.
The event in Gorizia and Nova Gorica was held under the patronage of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the municipalities of Nova Gorica, Šempeter - Vrtojba and Gorizia, as well as CONI.